Guidelines for Authors: Read it carefully before Preparing the Manuscript
First Author1, a*, Second Author2, b and Others3, c
1Full address of first author, including country
2Full address of second author, including country
3List all distinct addresses in the same way
a*email, bemail, cemail
The abstract should not exceed 300 words and summarize the content of the paper including the background of the paper, objective(s), tool(s), findings, conclusion and recommendations.1.Introduction
This instruction gives you guidelines for preparing papers for Journal of Educational Chronicle. Please use this document as a template and remain strictly to the following guidelines and format to assure rapid production of high quality papers. The typography, layout and style are exactly the same as those used in this instruction. Papers which do not comply with this guideline (especially in layout geometry and typesetting) will be sent back to authors. Note that no final correction will be made. When we have received the manuscript, we assume that the corresponding authors grant us the copyright to use the manuscript.2. Preparation
The basic elements of a paper are title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), abstract (with 3-5 keywords), main body of paper, conclusions, and references. All fonts must be in Times New Roman. All elements must be fitted into 16-20 pages of A4 paper. Do not use boldface typing or capital letters except for title & section headings. Do not, also, print page number in the paper as well as other information in the header and footer or foot notes areas except for those already provided.2.1 .Page size and format
The size of the manuscript must be A4 and it should be typed with double spacing and the following margins. Top margin 2.5 cm Bottom margin 2.5 cm Left margin 2.5 cm Right margin 2.5 cm2.2. Title and author(s) information
All items in the title block should be centered. The title should be set in 14-point uppercase & boldface font. The first letter of each word should be capitalized (do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions or prepositions unless the title begins with such a word). The author’s name(s) and the list of affiliations should be set in 11 point font. For each author, a numbered superscript should be used to indicate institution affiliation. The corresponding author should be indicated by the asterisk “*” symbol. Emails of all authors should be provided accordingly. Title with author(s) name and affiliation information should be given in separate sheet.3.Abstract and Keywords
The abstract should not exceed 300 words and summarize the content of the paper including the background of the paper, objective(s), tool(s), findings, conclusion and recommendations followed by a list of 3-5 keywords. All fonts are to be set in 12 point font size.4. Main Text Body
The main text of the paper (except the abstract) must be typed fully justified with double space with Times New Roman 12 point font. Do not place any additional blank lines between paragraphs.4.1 .Heading
4.1.1. First-order headings5. Figures, Tables and Equations
5.1. Figures and Tables
All figures and tables should be placed after their first mention in the text as possible. Place figure captions below the figures and flush to the left margin within a column. Also, place descriptive table titles above the tables and flush left. If figure has two parts, include labels “(a)” and “(b)” as part of the artwork. Colour figures are also welcome. Please verify that the figures and tables mentioned in the text actually exist and are used. Please do not abbreviate the word “Table” and only the necessary grids should be traced.5.2. Equations
Equations should be typed using sophisticated tools such as MS Equation Editor, Math Type, or Aurora (with little knowledge of LaTeX).5.3. Units
If the physical quantities are to be included, use of relevant SI units is recommended when the manuscript is prepared. If other units are customary in the field, they may be added in parentheses.6.References
Authors must follow the American Psychology Association (APA) reference style strictly. Otherwise papers will be sent back to authors.7.Only Submission as MS Word
Manuscripts are to be submitted directly to website: or through e-mail and two hard copies to editor JEC. The required file format is MS Words.
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